Putting is a crucial aspect of golf, and it can really make or break your game. We’ve all been there, standing on the green, feeling the pressure as we try to sink that important putt. We’re making putting mistakes but somehow just know what to do to finally fix them. But sometimes, no matter how hard we try, our putts just don’t seem to go in, and it’s incredibly frustrating.
In this article, we’ll dive into the most common mistakes golfers make on the greens. These errors can have a significant impact on your overall score, and we’ll discuss the most important one – the biggest mistake you might be making without even realizing it. So, grab your putter and let’s get to the bottom of this issue, so you can start shaving strokes off your game. Stay with me, and let’s explore how to avoid these pitfalls and become a better putter!

Part 1: Misreading the Green
Golfing buddy, we know that reading the green is like solving a puzzle. It’s a critical skill to develop, and it directly affects the success of your putts. However, there are some common misconceptions about green reading that can trip you up. That’s why it’s essential to understand the biggest mistake many golfers make: underestimating break.
Factors affecting break
Before we dive into the mistake itself, let’s quickly go over the factors that impact break. First up, the slope and contour of the green play a significant role in determining how much the ball will curve as it rolls towards the hole. Next, the green speed and grass type will also influence the break, as faster greens and certain grass types can cause the ball to break more. Lastly, grain direction – the way the grass grows – can also affect the break, either speeding up or slowing down the ball.
How to better read greens
Now that we know the factors that influence break, let’s talk about some strategies to improve your green reading abilities. First, make sure to carefully survey the slopes and contours of the green. Walk around the hole, and use your eyes to gauge any elevation changes. Your feet can also be great tools for feeling the break – walk along the putting line, and pay attention to how the ground feels beneath your feet.
Remember, practice makes perfect. The more time you spend reading greens, the better you’ll become at it. So, next time you’re out on the course, take a moment to really study the green and put these tips into action. With a little patience and dedication, you’ll be sinking those tricky putts in no time!

Part 2: Improper Aim and Alignment
Alright, my golfing friend, let’s move on to another crucial aspect of putting: aim and alignment. If your aim and alignment are off, it’s nearly impossible to sink those putts, even on the flattest greens. The biggest mistake here? Poor aim and alignment, which can cause you to miss the target more often than not.
Common alignment errors
There are a few common alignment errors that can throw off your putts. First, body misalignment – if your shoulders, hips, and feet aren’t square to your target line, it can be challenging to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Next, putter face misalignment can cause the ball to veer off course from the very beginning. Finally, incorrect ball position can also lead to alignment issues, making it tough to get the ball rolling on the intended line.
How to improve aim and alignment
Don’t worry! There are some excellent techniques to help you improve your aim and alignment. Start with proper body alignment. Stand square to the target line, with your feet, hips, and shoulders all parallel. This will give you a solid foundation for your putt.
To improve your putter face alignment, try the “gate drill.” Set up two tees just wider than your putter head on the ground, creating a small “gate” for the putter to swing through. Practice putting through the gate, focusing on keeping the putter face square to the target line.
Lastly, find the right ball position. A good rule of thumb is to position the ball just forward of the center of your stance, which helps promote a slightly upward stroke. Experiment with different ball positions to find what works best for your putting style.
Keep practicing these techniques, and soon you’ll see improvements in your aim and alignment on the greens. Good luck out there, and happy putting!

Part 3: Inconsistent Putting Stroke
Let’s tackle the final piece of the putting puzzle: having a consistent putting stroke. A smooth, repeatable stroke is key to making more putts, but the biggest mistake golfers often make is a lack of consistency in their strokes. Let’s explore some of the causes and how to achieve a more consistent stroke.
Causes of inconsistency
First, varying grip pressure can lead to inconsistency. Squeezing the putter too tightly or changing your grip pressure during the stroke can throw off your tempo and stroke mechanics. Second, inconsistent tempo can cause issues with distance control and accuracy. Finally, too much wrist action can create unwanted movement in the putter head, making it difficult to control the direction and speed of your putts.
How to achieve a more consistent stroke
To maintain consistent grip pressure, try using a light grip on the putter. Imagine holding a tube of toothpaste without squeezing any out – that’s the kind of pressure you’re aiming for. Maintain this grip pressure throughout your entire stroke.
To improve your stroke tempo, work on establishing a consistent rhythm. You can use a metronome or a simple counting method, like “one-two” for your backswing and forward swing. Make sure to practice this rhythm during your putting sessions, so it becomes second nature on the greens.
Lastly, to reduce wrist action, focus on keeping your wrists quiet during the stroke. You can use a putting training aid, like a wrist brace, or practice putting with a glove or towel tucked under your lead arm. These techniques will help you minimize wrist movement and promote a more stable putting stroke.
Remember, practice is key. Keep working on these tips, and before you know it, you’ll have a more consistent putting stroke, helping you make more putts and lower your scores. Keep at it, and let’s conquer those greens together!

5 Putting Drills to Improve Your Game
The Gate Drill (Putter Face Alignment)
- Set up two tees just wider than your putter head on the ground, creating a small “gate” for the putter to swing through. Start about 3 feet from the hole and practice putting through the gate, focusing on keeping the putter face square to the target line. As you become more comfortable, move further away from the hole and challenge yourself with longer putts.
Clock Drill (Green Reading and Distance Control)
- Place 12 tees around the hole, resembling the numbers on a clock face, each about 3 feet away. Starting at the 12 o’clock tee, putt to the hole, focusing on reading the break and adjusting your aim accordingly. Continue around the clock, putting from each tee. Once you complete the circle, move the tees to 6 feet away and repeat. This drill helps you practice reading different breaks and improves your distance control.
Ladder Drill (Distance Control and Tempo)
- Find a flat area on the practice green, and place five tees in a straight line, each about 3 feet apart. Start at the first tee and putt to the second tee, focusing on maintaining a consistent tempo in your stroke. Move to the second tee and putt to the third tee, and so on. Once you reach the last tee, reverse the process and work your way back to the starting point. This drill helps you dial in your distance control and encourages a steady tempo in your stroke.
Coin Drill (Wrist Stability)
- Place a coin or small ball marker on top of the back of your putter grip. While keeping the coin or marker balanced, make your putting stroke. This drill encourages you to minimize wrist movement and maintain a stable putter head during the stroke. If the coin falls off, it’s a sign that you may be using too much wrist action. Practice until you can keep the coin balanced throughout the entire stroke.
Straight-Ruler Drill (Alignment and Putting Path)
- Find a flat area on the practice green and place a 3-foot-long straight ruler or alignment stick on the ground. Position your golf ball at one end of the ruler, and set up your putt with your putter face and body aligned with the ruler. Make your putting stroke, ensuring the ball rolls straight along the ruler towards the other end. This drill helps you work on proper alignment and encourages a straight putting path for better accuracy.
Keep practicing these drills, and soon you’ll see improvements in your putting skills, from green reading to alignment and stroke consistency. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most common mistake golfers make on the greens?
- The most common mistake golfers make on the greens is underestimating the break when reading the green. This can lead to missed putts and higher scores. Remember to carefully study the slopes, contours, and grain direction to get a better read on the break.
How can I improve my green reading skills in golf?
- To improve your green reading skills, practice observing the slopes and contours of the green with your eyes and using your feet to feel the break. Walk around the hole and along the putting line to get a better sense of the terrain. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at reading greens.
What should I focus on to improve my putting alignment and aim?
- To improve your putting alignment and aim, work on proper body alignment, putter face alignment, and ball position. Practice aligning your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to the target line, squaring the putter face at address, and finding the optimal ball position for your putting stroke.
How do I achieve a consistent putting stroke?
- To achieve a consistent putting stroke, focus on maintaining consistent grip pressure, establishing a steady tempo, and minimizing wrist action. Practice holding the putter with a light grip, using a rhythmic counting method for your stroke, and keeping your wrists quiet throughout the motion.
Why do I keep missing putts even when I practice regularly?
- Even with regular practice, you may still miss putts due to factors like misreading the green, poor aim and alignment, or inconsistent stroke mechanics. Keep working on these areas and implementing the tips we’ve discussed in this article. Over time, you’ll start seeing improvements and make more putts on the green. Stay patient and keep practicing!

And there you have it, my fellow golf enthusiast! We’ve explored the most common mistakes golfers make on the greens, including misreading breaks, improper aim and alignment, and inconsistent putting strokes. By addressing these mistakes and applying the tips and techniques we’ve discussed, you’ll be well on your way to improving your putting game.
Remember, it’s essential to be patient with yourself and stay dedicated to practicing these skills. Golf is a game of constant learning and improvement, and putting is no exception. Keep working on your green-reading abilities, refining your aim and alignment, and striving for a consistent stroke. Over time, you’ll see your confidence grow, your putts will start dropping, and your scores will drop along with them.
So, grab your putter, head out to the practice green, and start working on eliminating these mistakes. You’ve got this! Let’s turn those frustrating three-putts into satisfying one-putts and make your time on the greens a whole lot more enjoyable. Happy golfing!
We want to hear from you! Let us know your comments below.

Jim has been an avid golfer and golf fan for over 40 years. He started a YouTube channel called Golf Plus about a year ago and it has been wildly successful. It only made sense to expand and reach more golfers with this site and social media. You can learn more about Jim and Golf Plus Media Group by visiting our About Page.